Date Time U SkyRl Ambnt Sensr Block Hea KD32 1CVW Fvr ... Cvr 2005-01-17 11:20:01 C -43.9 -13.4 3.1 999.9 22 0100 0000 054 ... 1.56 2005-01-17 11:30:02 C -40.7 -12.8 3.1 999.9 21 0100 0000 054 ... 1.56 Date: local date Time: local time U: temperature units (C or F). The lines with other letters are for factory use. SkyRl: Sky-Amb. Temp. field from the Clarity window Ambnt: Ambient Temp. field from the Clarity window Sensr: Sensor Temp. field from the Clarity window Block: for manufacturer use only Hea: sensor head heater power setting in percent KD32 1CVW these are flag bits. The ones possibly useful to the user are: K: the "emergency observatory shutdown contact" is closed or has closed since the last log line was generated if this is =1 V: the sensor head has detected "very cloudy". This is a fixed threshold determination independent of the threshold in the Clarity window. It is used as part of the emergency observatory shutdown determination W: the sensor head is wet., or has been wet at least once since the last log line was generated. Fvr: sensor head firmware version number in decimal (the DIP IC is marked in hexadecimal) Cvr: Clarity version numbe